Degradation of chlorobenzene compounds in groundwater by ferrate treatment
Éva Cseperke Vizsolyi1,2, Péter Dobosy3, Imre Varga1, József Varga2 , Győző Láng1, Gyula Záray1,3 1 RCES, L. Eötvös University; H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a 2 Imsys Ltd.; H-1033 Budapest, Mozaik u. 14/a 3 Danube Reasearch Institute, HAS; H-1113 Budapest, Karolina út 29. Since chlorobenzenes (CBs) were widely used as solvents in the chemical industry, they are the most frequently detected organic pollutants in groundwater. Their biodegradation is limited therefore,…